THE BAMBOO SOCIETY maintains links with other bamboo societies throughout the world and holds a collection of their newsletters, which it receives by exchange.
Regular weekend visits and days out are organised for members in the UK and sometimes abroad. We exchange information, plant material and friendship.
At the 2023 AGM, it was decided that for the time being, while the Society rebuilds after Covid, there will be no membership fees. Instead of publishing a newsletter, news, events, photos, etc. will be published on the website and an email newsletter sent out periodically. The email list is maintained by our Treasurer, David Helliwell. If you would like to be added to the list please do get in touch.
If you would like to contribute articles, news items, photos, plant information or anything similar for the website they would be very much appreciated. We are particularly keen to compile a directory of gardens featuring bamboo in the U.K., and so accounts of garden visits or suggestions of gardens to be included would be particularly welcome.
Please contact us using the contact form on our contact page